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莫札特:唐喬望尼 多明戈/布拉格城邦劇院 (Mozart:Don Giovanni - Placido Domingo, National Theatre Orchestra (Actor), Jiri Nekvasil (Director)) (2018)中文字幕
莫札特:唐喬望尼 多明戈/布拉格城邦劇院 中文字幕 Mozart:Don Giovanni - Placido Domingo, National Theatre Orchestra (Actor), Jiri Nekvasil (Director)
National Theatre Orchestra
Placido Domingo (conductor) & Ji?0?0i Nekvasil (director)
Simone Alberghini (Don Giovanni), Adrian Sampetrean (Leporello), Irina Lungu (Donna Anna), Kate?0?0ina Kn??0?6ikova (Donna Elvira), Julia Novikova (Zerlina), Dmitry Korchak (Don Ottavio), Ji?0?0i Bruckler (Masetto), Jan ??0?2ava (Commendatore)
The world-famous singer, conductor and the holder of 14 Grammy Awards Placido Domingo came up, as conductor and artistic director, with a unique Don Giovanni at the Estates Theatre Prague, where the opera had its premiere 230 years ago. The production boasts an original classic scene, traditional costumes, designed by Theodor Pistek, the Oscar winner for 'Best Costume Design' in Amadeus and authentic stage direction matching the performance features from 1787. The production is conceived as a replica of the legendary staging by the National Theatre Opera from 1969. The opera shines under the direction of Jiri Nekvasil, which is further enhanced by stars of the Czech opera scene, handpicked by Maestro Domingo himself. Also adding vitality to the production are four winners of the renowned, international vocal competition, Operalia, which Domingo himself founded in 1993: Irina Lungu, Dmitry Korchak, Julia Novikova, and Simone Alberghini. 'The palpable sense of history, enthusiasm of the cast and excitement of the star conductor all contributed to an atmosphere that made the performance seem larger than life' (Bachtrack).
Subtitles: IT (original language), E, G, F, Ko, Jp,CN(後加)
No. of Discs: 1
Run time: 182 mins
Picture: NTSC 16:9 HD
Audio: PCM Stereo, Dolby 5